I just saw this video again and I remembered that I really loved it. One of the huge benefits of Crossfit, for my family, is the ability of the adults and the kids to do workouts and participate fully together. CFNE has a stellar children's program and my 12 year old takes full advantage of it. My (now) 14 year old has participated in the adult classes since he was 12 (before kids Crossfit was available) and has made huge strength and aerobic gains in two years. (all the while scaling every WOD appropriately with the help of the CFNE coaches.)
My kids see their parents participating in Crossfit on a daily basis and realize how important physical exercise is and the incredible boost of confidence you can get by not only PR'ing a lift or a WOD but also for just participating.
As this video says, "Maybe the sound of your next deep breath is the sound that teaches the next generation."
Watch it here and enjoy......
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