"After the squat, the deadlift is the most effective movement that you can do in the gym. Epitomizing the term "compound movement," it uses nearly every muscle in your entire body, from your traps all the way down to your calves. Bodybuilders, competitive lifters, and many other athletes have long used this movement to build brute strength, pack on muscle mass, and improve their overall athletic performance. Here are five reasons why every trainee, casual or competitive, should be deadlifting:"
1. The Deadlift Promotes Full Body Muscular Development
While many trainers and trainees alike are quick to simply categorize the deadlift as a "back" movement, it is truly a full-body exercise............
2. Building the Biggest Back Possible
While the deadlift brings much more than the lower and upper backs into play, it is truly the best back-builder you can perform......
3. Developing an Iron Grip
Unless you are using lifting straps, the deadlift will develop enormous crushing and pinching grip strength........
4. The Deadlift Mimics Real-Life and Sport Situations
While people are quick to toss around the term "functional strength" with little real meaning, it surely applies to the deadlift. .....
5. A Great Workout for Your Abs
Just as with any exercise that strongly involves the lower back, the deadlift heavily taxes the abdominals and obliques, as well............
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