f Why You Are Never Too Old For Crossfit!!!!!: Crossfit Community-Supportive or Judgemental?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crossfit Community-Supportive or Judgemental?

What does it mean to judge someone? 

"What does it mean to judge someone? Is it to form an opinion concerning the rightness of an act that someone performed? Or is it to form an opinion regraded the character of the person who performed that act?"

What does it mean to support someone?

"One of the greatest responsibilities we have is to support ourselves and others in living at our highest and best. Whether we’re parents, partners, friends or leaders, it’s incumbent upon us to help others to live as close to their unique potential as we can."

     In my opinion,  Crossfit and the people who go to the Crossfit "boxes" are some of the most supportive, friendly and NON JUDGMENTAL people I have ever met. The constant "good jobs" and "you can do it" are plentiful and a daily event.  The fact that the CFNE athletes, including some of the best competitors in the world, tell me "good job and keep going" is eye opening. These athletes have worked and earned the right to be a bit big headed but, they are not. In fact, they are the exact opposite, kind and humble.
Today we had to run and run a lot.
3 Rounds for time of:
200 meter Run, rest equal to run time.
400 meter Run, rest equal to run time.
600 meter Run, rest equal to run time.
You now what I was thinking the night before, "OMG, there is no way I'm doing that, I'll just go and row,etc,etc,etc.  There is no way I am going to be last!" I get to CFNE and I am still determined to row and then, the whole "Choose the Wrench" mantra went through my head.  Then, some of the women looked at me and asked me what I was going to do?(a little positive peer pressure) Then everything fell in to place. Two other women joined up with me and we ran behind the "good runners" in our own little group. (Thank you Ben Bergeron for arranging this) And yes, we were still the last ones but you know what, NO ONE CARED. All the other runners just wanted us to finish and encouraged us to the end.

So what are the lessons learned? First,it's not all about me, people have their own "stuff" to worry about. Second, Crossfit is a safe place. Probably as safe a place you can find in this scary world of ours. Don't get me wrong, I am not naive and I know some people suck but for the most part, the Crossfit Community tends to attract more "GOOD" people than "BAD". And for that, I am very grateful to be part of this special Community.

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