f Why You Are Never Too Old For Crossfit!!!!!: I Miss The "OPENS"

Friday, June 3, 2011

I Miss The "OPENS"

"Great Vibe at the 8:30. Miss the Opens. It changed the game for me."   

Saw this in the comments on our site today and it really made me think a minute and I agree, I miss the atmosphere around the Opens and the energy it brought to the box. I personally could not do the Opens RX but it sure was fun to watch the ones who could. Listening to the various strategies and methods employed was fascinating and just added an electric energy around the gym.

In a video on the Crossfit Games site "I Love This Game" (our own Heather Bergeron makes an appearance) one of the Crossfit bigwigs mentions that it was fun this year because there was, and still is with the Regionals, now a "season" of Crossfit. It doesn't come down to one day for these athletes, it comes down to timing and strategy during the "season".

Many of us won't be able to compete at the highest level at the Crossfit Games or even the Regionals for that matter but it certainly is fun to live vicariously through the elite athletes and those becoming elite.  For the six(7) weeks of the Opens we got to see it firsthand and sometimes workout right next to the "Games" athletes.

Bottom line, if you are a true Crossfit fanatic(and aren't we all) it was a blast!

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