f Why You Are Never Too Old For Crossfit!!!!!: May 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Crossfit-A Way of Life or, as Reebok portrays it, A Competitive Sport??

A very interesting story dissecting the relationship between Reebok and Crossfit and some of the ways, the author feels, that Reebok is misrepresenting Crossfit.

"All of that said, the associated marketing messaging from Reebok still feels as though it’s missing that key element. I have been a part of the CrossFit community since 2008 and to many of us the campaign doesn’t feel authentic. The partnership, which has all the makings of a dream relationship, comes off feeling more like a marriage of convenience. And the messaging component follows a very traditional sports marketing recipe, which is a disservice considering the clear heavy lifting that went into this great concept development. The overall concept, or “big idea” behind the “sport of fitness” campaign is amazingly spot-on, but the execution falls a little flat, and I think I know why. "

Also, " As anyone who participates in CrossFit can tell you, the community is the key component of the whole system. In contrast, Reebok’s campaign has focused on the top few CrossFit athletes."

Read the entire article: HERE

So, do you think that Crossfit is a big time SPORT or, a WAY OF LIFE??

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Advil, NSAIDS Will Stop Me From Getting Stronger??

We all have heard our coaches tell us "DO NOT TAKE NSAIDS". I know mine did. I never really knew why, I just tried not to take them. I found this great blog post which explains very distinctly what taking Advil, etc. does and why it will retard our muscle growth and strength.

Some snippets:
  • "That's right, all that soreness you feel after Fran is the resultant swelling from all the micro-damage you've done to your muscles. It's this very inflammatory response that is responsible for making you a BETTER ATHLETE. The Worst thing you can do is to go through a horrible workout like Fran and then not reap the resultant gains from the training stimulus."
  • " NSAIDs have been shown to delay and hamper the healing in all the soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Anti-inflammatories can delay healing and delay it significantly, even in muscles with their tremendous blood supply. In one study on muscle strains, Piroxicam (an NSAID) essentially wiped out the entire inflammatory proliferative phase of healing (days 0-4). At day two there were essentially no macrophages (cells that clean up the area) in the area and by day four after the muscle strain, there was very little muscle regeneration compared to the normal healing process."
For the entire article read it here!

So what do you take when you want to speed healing and the recovery process? Well my orthopedic surgeon recommends pineapple or BROMELAIN:

"An enzyme derived from the pineapple, bromelain can halt the inflammatory process as a result of over exertion and swelling. Bromelain can also provide some measure of pain relief as a result of its effects on the inflammatory process. Bromelain should be taken away from food for best results; when taken with food it will assist in the digestive process (not always a bad thing…). Bromelain has few side effects-the most notable is a ‘warm’ sensation when taking on an empty stomach."
"Curcumin is the yellow pigment of the spice turmeric. Curcumin displays various properties that are beneficial for the athlete. Namely, curcumin acts to stimulate tissue repair, which allows it to assist in muscle regeneration after traumatic injury. One recent study showed that muscle regeneration is greatly enhanced following the systemic (taken by mouth) administration of curcumin. Because of curcumin’s role in regulating muscle growth, it is an applicable treatment for sports-related muscle injuries. Additionally, curcumin has long been known as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, working to inhibit various aspects of the inflammatory process. Similar to bromelain, curcumin shares similar side effects such as stomach warmth."

So, will you rely on Fish Oil and substances like Bromelain or will you continue to take NSAIDS??

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

What Do You Think When You See 100 Burpees for TIme?

9:30 at night-Wod is posted 100 Burpees for time
9:35 pm-I'm not going tomorrow
10:00 pm-maybe I will go and do my own thing
6:45 am-I am not going today
7:00 am-talk to my son and he says "I don't want to go". I say, "of course you are going."
I think that maybe I should go and not be a hypocrite.
7:45 am -suggest to Jan that maybe we should go for a walk. She says, "you aren't going?"  (**WTF is that about? She was my go-to excuse)
8:05 am-drive to Crossfit. No one is there. Serious cherry picking day and I think, "maybe Matt didn't see me and I can leave" but then he says "hi" (Bummer)
8:15 Jayme shows up and she can't do burpees for time (injured foot) (I ask to see evidence)
8:22 Jan shows up and she can't do burpees for time (injured knee) (no evidence needed, I hear about it every day)
8:33 Ponder the idea of doing Jayme, Jan and Marco's WOD, 100 kettlebells for time
8:35 Joe D. and Angelo and 8 other people are doing the WOD voluntarily,I think "suck it up Karen and do the damn burpees"
**I will explain that with my surgically replaced knee I decided to do 50 burpees for time. I am 50/50 in my head whether I decided to do this to be smart or because I was too scared to do 100. (I honestly don't know)
8:40 MDV tells us to partner up. "Oh crap" I think, maybe I should do kettlebells. I seriously think of hiding in the bathroom, seriously.
**there is so much more accountability with a partner. It really is a great motivator but F#$*k!
8:45 Eric goes first and does 100 without stopping once,WOW!
9:00 I go and do 50, I didn't really stop, and I got a 6 second PR.
**I am psyched I did it and I really think that 50 burpees was a smart move for my knee (I think, still not sure, if I am using it as a cop-out)

Moral of the story: If you don't like a WOD, those are the days you should go.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Campaign for the Crossfit and Strength Athlete Who Wishes to Enjoy Their Sport Pain and Injury Free

I found this new Podcast on the Main Site Crossfit Discussion Board. I felt it was worth a listen to because anything that may prevent me from getting any more injuries is a good thing!  Give it a listen and tell me what you think.

"In this episode Dan and Rob discuss the most common problems in the gym that lead to unnecessary injury.
The culprit is poor technique.
We cover the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Pull-up and Overhead Press.  Have a listen!
If you have any questions or topics you’d like to have us discuss for future episodes please let us know!  You can leave a comment below.
Dan Pope"
click here for the podcast

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Stole This From The Crossfit Masters Facebook Page! "TEN WAYS TO BLUNT YOUR ATHLETIC POTENTIAL"

The "ten ways to blunt your athletic potential" is especially relevant to the older athlete. Check them out below and see what you need to improve on!
Freddy Camacho-Author
"I wrote this back on the One World blog on 12/13/2009. I just saw it posted on someone's Facebook page. Looking back at it now, I think it really hits home with us older folks. The youngsters can get away with a lot of shit. Not so much us! Worth sharing.


1) Not having goals, both short term and long term. A fitness regimen with no goals is like driving to a destination you have never been to before without a map or directions. Goals keep you on track. You seek out guidelines and information on how to achieve them. Make those goals!!!

2) Avoiding your weaknesses. Why is it everyone and their mother shows up on the days we do some crazy workout, but when weightlifting days or running days come up, people suddenly don’t feel so well??? Weaknesses stem from a series of issues. Suck at an Olympic lift? It is probably tied into deficiencies in the strength and flexibility department. Can’t get through that whole 5k run? You need to eat better and build up your cardio/respiratory endurance. Attack your weaknesses and your strengths will improve.

3) Poor nutrition. Food completely controls how your body functions throughout the day. It is the gasoline for your engine. An engine needs gas to run, and it runs better with good gas than it does with crappy gas. Start simple. Make changes in the quality of what you eat then fine tune it from there.

4) Alcohol consumption. Alcohol is good for only one thing: getting buzzed. Unfortunately, getting buzzed causes a bunch of bad things to happen, mostly lack of control. You don’t sleep well (despite possibly even passing out). It dehydrates you. You tend to succumb to eating crap. You are damaging brain cells and your liver. But did I mention that alcohol is really good for getting buzzed??

5) Lack of sleep. You can never get “too much” sleep. Our bodies are actually wired to go to sleep when it gets dark and wake up at the crack of dawn. Electricity has jacked up our internal clocks, so no matter who you are and how much you sleep, it is never enough. Sleep is a huge component in the body recovery system. Get more of it!!!

6) Not taking proper rest/recovery time. Rest is different from sleep. You need to let the body rest from your training regimen. Take a rest day every few days. I would even recommend that every few months you take at least a week off from high intensity training. Your body needs time to heal, along with your brain. You will come back rip roaring ready to go both physically and mentally. Recovery simply means listening to your body. Pain is different from the discomfort of training. Pain needs to be respected. Pain takes time to heal. Turn your ego off and let your body heal up proper. The dumbest thing I ever heard anyone say was, “It hurts to train, but I have to workout.” (That was me by the way....)

7) Poor hydration. Water is often an overlooked ingredient in a good training regimen. Water makes up about 60% of the human body. Lean muscle tissue is about 99% water. Bone is made up of about 22% water and even your skin contains water. There is not one system in the entire body that does not depend on water. You will be hard pressed to drink to much water in a day. Drink up!!!

8) Lack of consistency. It’s not easy to stick with a workout program. You can get very positive results working out only two to three days a week if you really work hard and follow a solid nutrition plan. Start small...commit yourself to two days a week and build up to three. Once you start training three or more days a week, you will make leaps and bounds in reaching your athletic potential.

9) Lack of a proper warm-up/cool down. Sure, argue all you want that when the shit hits the fan in life, you don’t get the chance to warm up. Very true, but a training session is not life. You are attempting to improve your athletic ability. You can’t do jack if you get hurt. Warm up those muscles, joints and connective tissues by doing active stretching in full range of motion. Take the time to do some good static stretching when you are done working out. Flexibility will increase. Injuries will decrease. Your workout performance will improve dramatically.

10) Not listening to your coach. An experienced coach knows what he is talking about. For the most part, I know I can judge a person's athletic ability watching them perform a few simple tasks just within a warm-up. Why is it when I tell someone they should scale a movement or a rep count or the load, they don’t want to listen to me? The road to better athletic performance is a path easier traveled when you listen to an experienced coach. Trust me."

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why Foam Rolling Really Works!

foam roller
Many of us have used the foam rollers before and after the workouts. We knew it made us feel better but I would bet that many of us didn't know why. The following article explains how it works and why it is so important in our performance:

Check out the article right here!

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Paleo Shopping Cost Cutting Measures

Some good although obvious tips on how to shop and eat Paleo and not have it cost a fortune.
Paleo Pyramid

"* Eating In Season
* Cooking at Home
* Before you go shopping, spend a few minutes online to see what sales are running
* Your local farmer’s markets
* Bulk Buying stores like B.J.'s
* shopping at ethnic markets.
*  Online resources and eBooks
*  Shop early in the morning- there are many benefits of shopping while the store is practically empty, you will bask in the joy of this time-saving practice. Time is money, after all!"

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meat Glue, Pink Slime,Cancer Causing Fish-Do You Know What You Are Eating?

     It has become increasingly more difficult to feed ourselves and our kids healthy choices when we go to the supermarket. Deceptive food preparation practices and the manner in which our food is raised and grown has been exposed as generally unhealthy for the animals and as a result unhealthy and unsafe for us when we consume it. 
     Many of us find it difficult to shell out the big bucks when buying grass fed beef or free range chickens or wild caught fish.  With all the information that has been exposed in the last few months it seems that tough choices need to be made when buying our food.

"If you were disturbed to hear about 'pink slime' in your burger, you'll want to know about 'meat glue,' because a fat, rare-cooked filet mignon may not be what it seems," ABC News' Bay Area affiliate gasped last week."                  

 Processed beef trimmings and recovered materials from meat carcasses, like fat and connective tissue. Trimmings are heated to 100°F and spun inside a centrifuge to separate the meat from the fat. After the fat is removed, the remaining beef bits are treated with ammonia hydroxide to kill bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella. They are then ground up, frozen into blocks and added to other beef products.
MMM WHAT A HAMBURGER, mmm what a hamburger

CHICKEN FARMS                                     
• Rodents on egg conveyor belts
• Rotting corpses in cages with hens laying eggs for human consumption
• Hens stuck by their heads, legs and wings in cage wires
• Mummified hen carcasses in cages
• Overcrowding of hens in cages that only provide 54-58 square inches [less than 8 inches by eight inches] of living space per hen (well below the national average for egg-laying hens)
• Flies in barns so thick that the investigator had to scrape off his boots after walking down each aisle
• Piles of dead hens on floors of barns
• Dead flies in hens’ feeding troughs
• Barns so dark that workers needed head lamps and flashlights
• Ammonia levels so high that workers often had to wear masks
• Manure and eggs from some barns tested positive for salmonella
• Each worker is tasked with overseeing more than 100,000 animals.

"There are several health related issues with farm raised salmon which can be found in your local grocery stores and restaurants. We will discuss how farm raised salmon differs from wild ocean caught salmon and the biggest issues that surround the farm raised type."  


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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Robb Wolf's Website Says "NO to Protein Powder"!!

Protein Powder
  • Now granted in some situations – few and rare – a protein powder and/or liquid meal may have a place; but for the general population that’s Crossfitting, going jogging, lifting weights, etc these magic powders are not all they’re ‘shook’ up to be and in every case REAL FOOD is always the BEST choice!
  •   Protein powders fall under the realm of ‘supplements’ in the eyes of the government and therefore are not regulated nor checked for purity or content. 
  •   Believe it or not protein powders are a processed food.  Yes, you heard that correctly – these powders are far from a ‘natural phenomenon’.  
  •  The primary purpose of post pain party fuel is to restore the muscle protein and glycogen that was depleted during the workout and to promote recovery.  If getting/staying lean and enhancing health and longevity are also on your list of ‘things to do’ – then liquid food will not the best choice make.

"This is a story about a guy I know – we’ll call him ‘Magnus’ (he’d like that).  He likes to lift heavy things and has been known to grunt and swear while lifting these heavy things.  When he opens his (massive) gym bag it’s like taking a trip to GNC (if GNC also sold chalk) – there’s the pre-workout drink mix, the during workout potion, the protein packed post-workout magic muscle builder, a plethora of other random pills/powders and the mandatory ‘shaker bottle’.  Let’s just say ‘Magnus’ is VIP at GNC.  Now, I’m guessing you all have a picture of ‘Magnus’ in your head right now and maybe he looks a little like the dude on the cover of this month’s Muscle & Fiction Magazine…  Well, I hate to break it to you but ‘Magnus’ stands about 5’11” and likely tips the scale at a solid 160 (after lunch).  Yeah, downright burly – or something…
Alright, so my guess is you all know at least one ‘Magnus’ and even if you aren’t “that guy or gal” there is a pretty good chance you too own a ‘shaker bottle’ and massive tub of some type of protein powder.  Why am I assuming this?  One of the MOST common questions I get and see goes something like this, “What’s a good Paleo protein powder?” or  “What protein powder do you recommend?”  Well folks, here I am, once again ‘raining on your parade’.  Now granted in some situations – few and rare – a protein powder and/or liquid meal may have a place; but for the general population that’s Crossfitting, going jogging, lifting weights, etc these magic powders are not all they’re ‘shook’ up to be and in every case REAL FOOD is always the BEST choice!
Now you’re all thinking, but they sell it at my gym and everyone else says it’s good and it works for muscle building, fat loss, leaning out, recovery, energy, weight gain, insert your goal here___________.  That right there should be your first clue – one powder/shake that fits everyone’s goals – how does that work?  Sure, there are ‘lite’ and ‘mega-growth’ formulas – but when it comes down to the stick – they all ‘shake’ out about the same.  One may use a sugar substitute instead of sugar or have a different amino acid breakdown, but in truth you can’t trust what the label says anyway…
Supplement ‘Facts’
Let’s look at the label – sure it says it has 20 grams of protein, all the essential amino acids, is 100% ‘pure’ – blah, blah, blah…  Unfortunately, what you think you’re getting and what you’re actually getting can be two very different things.  Protein powders fall under the realm of ‘supplements’ in the eyes of the government and therefore are not regulated nor checked for purity or content.  A Consumer Reports investigation uncovered concerning amounts of arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium  in several well known and darn right popular protein powders – we’re talking ‘exceeding maximum’ pharmacologically deemed ‘safe’ numbers here.  And do you really know what else could be in there?  There have been several cases and reports of seemingly innocent ‘protein powders’ being contaminated with anabolic steroids or like substances which have resulted in positive ‘doping’ test results.
Have you ever went to the meat counter and asked the butcher to cut you off a big slab of whey or cracked open an egg to be greeted with a white powder?  I’m guessing it’s a great big negatory on that one.  Believe it or not protein powders are a processed food.  Yes, you heard that correctly – these powders are far from a ‘natural phenomenon’.  You cannot milk a cow and get a powder, city kids you’re just going to have to trust me on this one.  So, where does the powder come from?  In the case of whey, it’s often a waste product of cheese making and unless you’re getting the super pricey, meat is a better deal, protein powder from grassfed animals you’re likely getting ‘grain-fed waste’.  Let’s also consider the process that makes the whey into a powder (it’s liquid in real life…) – this process be it whey or egg white often utilizes extremely high heat (like higher than cooking).  This ‘hot air’ denatures the protein to an extent that may increase its carcinogenic load.  And hold on, there’s more!!  Some of these powders even come with some bonus MSG!!  Remember that rule about food that comes in a package, needs a label and can live on a shelf for an extended period of time?  Apply that here.
But I Need A Post Workout Meal?!?!
Relax!!  Yes, the post workout meal is important but consider the goal of that meal along with your overall goals.  The primary purpose of post pain party fuel is to restore the muscle protein and glycogen that was depleted during the workout and to promote recovery.  If getting/staying lean and enhancing health and longevity are also on your list of ‘things to do’ – then liquid food will not the best choice make.  Why?  Two-words: Insulin Response.  Granted after you workout your insulin sensitivity is heightened and it takes less of it to clear the post workout meal glucose from the blood; but this phenomenon should be taken advantage of not hindered by a liquid induced blood sugar surge.  Liquids require less processing and digestion, so instead of the slow steady blood sugar rise that happens with a dose of starchy carb and some protein from real food sources; the ‘shaker bottle’ cocktail results in a zero to 60 increase in blood glucose levels.  This pedal to the metal rise requires insulin fast and even though sensitivity is heightened the end result is more insulin being produced to clear the sugar bombarded blood.  This folks – is NOT what we’re going for!  If you find this whole post workout eating thing a whole lot of confusing definitely check out Robb’s post about the ins and outs of the game.  But understand that you can’t do better than ‘real food’ regardless of what your friends or the label on a tub of powder say.
So, what’s a ‘Magnus’ to do??  Put the shaker bottle away and stop paying for the college educations of the “I work on commission” GNC salespersons kids and “JUST CHEW IT”!  Your body, taste buds and wallet will be MUCH happier in the end.
What are you ‘whey’ting for?"

*****see this additional post: http://nevertooldforcrossfit.blogspot.com/2014/06/robb-wolf-reiterates-say-no-to-protein.html

Written by Amy Kubal
Amy Kubal is a Registered "Paleo" Dietitian and the ring leader of Robb's RD consulting team.
FROM the Website:   http://robbwolf.com/2012/05/03/wheying-in-protein-powders-paleo/

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Weight Stereotyping: The Secret Way People Are Judging You Based on Your Body "

To read the entire article please CLICK HERE

Skinny Witch vs. Chubby Fairy

What our poll shows about the assumptions women hold
Heavy women are pegged as…
“lazy” 11 times as often as thin women; “sloppy” nine times; “undisciplined” seven times; “slow” six times as often.
While thin women are seen as…
“conceited” or “superficial” about eight times as often as heavy women; “vain” or “self-centered” four times as often; and “bitchy,” “mean,” or “controlling” more than twice as often.
Even the “good” labels are unfair.
An overweight woman may be five times as likely to be perceived as “giving” as a skinny one. “But it just fits into the stereotype that thin women are not that way,” explains Ann Kearney-Cooke, Ph.D. “It’s still putting women in a box based on their body size.”
From left: Everett Collection. Walt Disney Pictures/Everett Collection



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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

All Natural Bug Spray! "DEET has been linked to neurological problems..."

"DEET has been linked to neurological problems; according to the EPA, at least 18 different cases of children suffering adverse nuerological effects, as well as the deaths of two adults, have been associated with DEET. Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found that DEET causes diffuse brain cell death and behavioral changes in rats."

*Be sure to also visit Katie over at Wellness Mama!
The wonderful Amish farmers who we get a lot of our produce and meat from are predicting a record season for bugs in our area.
As someone who seems to be a magnet for mosquitos, I am less than enthused about this!
I’m also not a fan of chemical bug sprays. In their case, the cure seems worse than the disease, since the chemicals in many bug sprays have been linked to hormone imbalances and different chemical toxicities.
At the top of the list to avoid is the harmful chemical DEET, which is present in many commercial insect repellents. According to this site:
One of the most widely used ingredients in store-bought conventional bug sprays for personal use is N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, or DEET, as it’s commonly known. DEET, which is designed to repel, rather than kill, insects. DEET is used by an estimated one-third of the US population each year. Although DEET is approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it is a known eye irritant and can cause rashes, soreness, or blistering when applied to the skin. Additionally, DEET has been linked to neurological problems; according to the EPA, at least 18 different cases of children suffering adverse nuerological effects, as well as the deaths of two adults, have been associated with DEET. Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found that DEET causes diffuse brain cell death and behavioral changes in rats.
DEET has been shown to have a negative impact on wildlife and water sources in production and during use. DEET is toxic to birds and aquatic life. DEET has been found in approximately 75 percent of U.S. water sources, including the Mississippi River.
Fortunately, there is a natural alternative that is fast and easy to make at home (catching a trend here?).
The easiest way to make natural insect repellent is to use concentrated essential oils in a water and witch hazel base.
  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1/3 cup witch hazel
  • 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerine (optional)
  • 30-50 drops (total) of essential oils for desired strength: Citronella, Clove, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Catnip, Lavender, Mint        (I use 10-15 drops of each of: Rosemary, Clove, Cajeput, Lavender, Cinnamon and Eucalyptus)

How to Make: 
Combine all ingredients in an 8 ounce or larger spray bottle (glass is best). Shake well and shake before each use.
How to Use:
Spray on the skin before exposure to areas where you will come in contact with insects. Repels mosquitos, gnats and other small insects. Re-apply every 2-3 hours or as needed.

Other Options:

There are also ways to make homemade insect repellant from fresh or dried herbs or as a vinegar based formula which is highly effective (all of those recipes here).
You can also find DEET free natural bug sprays that are pre-made (including kids versions)  if you don’t want to makle your own.
Do you use bug spray? Ever made your own?
Creative Commons License
Natural Bug Spray Recipe is a post from Everyday Paleo - licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reduce Your Sugar Intake and Reduce Your Risk of Cancer!

The title of this post is just one of the hypothesis's put forth in the 60 Minute Television program that was shown on April 1st,2012.  "
sugar in soda!
Specifically, on "60 Minutes," Dr. Gupta will tell viewers:    
"New research coming out of some of America's most respected institutions is starting to find that sugar could be a driving force behind some of this country's leading killers."
To see the entire segment click here>>>

Additionally, take a look at this article outlining some foods that you may or may not know have sugar in them.
15 Surprising Sources of Added Sugar
Written by Lauri Watson, SparkPeople Contributor

"Sugar (in many forms) may be hiding in a lot of your favorite foods without you even realizing it. Of course it's in candies, cookies, and cakes, but there are also many "hidden sugars'' added to condiments, drinks, "healthy" snacks foods, and many other surprising items you might eat every day. Here are 15 of the top ''added'' sugar offenders." Click here for the slideshow

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